About me

Hello, I’m Alessandro Parente,
I was born in Tagliacozzo, Italy, in 1984, I studied Fine Art at the college and at the Fine Art Academy in Bologna, where I obtained the master degree.
My first photography assignment was with the Mindalae Ethnohistoric Museum of Quito, Ecuador, where I documented the many indigenous crafts traditions around the country.
I was living 10 years in Latin America, specially in Mexico, documenting migrants struggles for a better future and indigenous communities struggles and teachings such as the Zapatistas organization or the rebellion of the communities in the Michoacan region against the cartels.
My reportages were published on magazines like Vice or newspaper like the Volkskrant, among others.
I came back to Europe and spent three years in France working on my studio in Paris and reporting around the region, also collaborationg with the Italian TV show Propaganda Live, with reportages about migrants conditions during Covid19 in the Banlieues of Paris.
Then my art research in the region of the Ardennes (project Ardotypes), between France, Belgium and Luxemburg, collaborating with three museums of the three countries.
In 2023 I mooved to Ukraine from where I collaborated with international NGO’s such as WeWorld, Helvetas, Rcc, PHK.
Documenting the war effects on civilians daily life, specially in the east of the country, my photos, videos and texts were on Il Fatto Quotidiano, Propaganda Live, RSI, Forbes and Il Manifesto.
Since 2013 I use the wet collodion process as a way of documenting, but also sharing th experience with people and communities.
– Fond Vincent, Tapis point de Sedan, (FRA)
– Musée de l’Ardenne, Charleville-Mézières (FRA)
– Piconru, Musée de la grande Ardenne, Bastogne (BEL)
– Bainbridge Island Museum of Art (USA)
– Mindalae Ethnohistoric & Crafts Museum of Ecuador (permanent)
– Booklyn Inc. Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, (USA)
– Stanford University of California (USA)
– Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Seattle (USA)
– Urbi & Orbi, Biennale de la photographie et la Ville, Sedan (FRA)
– Le Phare, Paris (FRA)
– Ribera Sur Theatre, Buenos Aires (ARG)
– Il Mauriziano, Reggio Emilia, Fotografia Europea Off (ITA)
– Le Post, Paris (FRA)
– Ascanio, Tagliacozzo (ITA)
– RDC, Centre Culturel Rome (ITA)
– Encuentro Fotografico Mexico, Puebla, (MEX)
– Die Färberei, Munich, (GER)
– Marte Live, Alpheus, Rome (ITA)
– Tierra Adentro, San Cristóbal de las casas, (MEX)
– La blastula Gallery, Tijuana, (MEX)
– Sponz Fest, Calitri (ITA)
– Siegel Gallery, Berlin. (GER)
– Urbi & Orbi, Biennale de la photographie et la Ville, Sedan, France. 2019-22
– Il Fatto Quotidiano
– RSI (Swiss Italian Television) website
– De Volkskrant (Nederland)
– Vice (Canada)
– Clarin (Argentine)
– El Mundo (Espagne)
– Il Manifesto (Italie)
– L’Unità (Italie)
– El Debate (Mexique)
– Diritti à Sud (Italie)
– Almanac des ardennes, Noires Terres (france)
NGO’s and Humanitarian cooperation assignment
– SDC, Swiss humanitarian cooperation in Ukraine
– We-World NGO (ITA)
– Helvetas NGO (Swiss)
– Propaganda Live (la7, ITA)
– RSI (Radiotelevisione Svizzera italiana)
– El Grillobook, Self-publishing
– Seine Pandemie, Editions No Brake
– Lille, a voir et a vivre, Editions Noires Terres